Sunday, December 12, 2010

Increase Site Traffic Through Better Branding

Marketing online is a relatively new phenomenon. But in terms of actual products and services, no one’s inventing the wheel. The fact is, even the most innovative product lines share some similarities with goods already selling on the market (because when they didn’t, clinching the sale would be significantly harder).With this in mind, how can website owners drive traffic to their site based on their product’s advantages – advantages shared by other vendors – while at the same time, setting themselves apart?

One way to make sure that your site beats out the online competition is to invest in branding – a strategy that raises awareness through cumulative exposure to advertising images.

Just Do It

Ever wonder how Nike got the world to associate a little white check mark with running shoes (not to mention power, success, youth and style)? They managed this through a masterful branding campaign where this symbol was displayed again and again, together with Nike shoes worn by powerful, successful, youthful and stylish spokespeople.
That little check mark has now taken up residence in the minds of consumers worldwide. In fact, in many malls, the Nike store doesn’t even hang the company name over the entrance anymore – it’s just that little check mark doing all the work. That’s branding at its best.
Of course, a successful branding campaign is more than just a mind game. But if you back up your branding with consistent professionalism and customer satisfaction, then your logo – or whatever you use to symbolize your company – will bring up happy associations, and lure your customers back for more.

Making an Impression – All Over the Web

Branding is a cross-media venture. Everything that represents you – from your business cards, to your letterhead, to your advertisements, to each and every page of your website – should be imbued with a unified look and feel. If so, every new encounter with your business will build on previous impressions. If not, you’ll confuse your potential customers – and waste a marketing opportunity by starting from scratch.
Traditional advertising campaigns in the print media can help drive traffic to your website (assuming you remember to include your URL in a prominent position!). However, such campaigns are expensive, and lack flexibility. Online alternatives such as banners, paid-for “Google” ads, and mutual links with other sites require a relatively small investment. They also the added advantage of being trackable – if set up correctly, you’ll be able to monitor the click throughs achieved through each method, and “tweak” the campaign for better results.

Conduit – an “Always-On” Branding Engine

Conduit community toolbars increase brand awareness for any e-commerce site by putting company’s name or logo at the top of the browser window whenever they are on line, creating a continuous, clickable reminder about the existence of your goods or services. Not only will your customers remember you, you’ll be associated in their minds with all the market-specific, customized “goodies” that make your toolbar so much fun.

Widgets can be emblazoned with your logo, adding an extra degree of branding power. Branded widgets become part of the Conduit library, and are available for upload to toolbars used by any one of the Conduit Network’s 250 million users.

Thanks to Conduit’s branding boost, your customers will think of you – rather than the competition – in their hour of online need.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Menjalankan Aplikasi Lama

Teman teman mungkinn masih memiliki program penting yang dibuat untuk windows versi sebelumnya dan ternyata, program ini tidak bisa dijalankan dengan baik pada windows7. apakan teman-teman harus mengganti win 7 dengan hanya karena masalah ini ?

sebelum teman-teman melanjutkan langkah selanjutnya cobalah jalankan program tersebut dengan memamfaatkan fasilitas dari win 7. klik kanan pada file atau program yang hendak teman jalankan dan pilih menu properties , klik tabulasi compatibility.

teman - teman bisa meminta agar win7 ' menipu' program yang hendak di jalankan tersebut sehinggga tamapak seaka-akan sedang berada di lingkungan yang paling tua.

Teman-teman juga bisa memilih berbagai sistem simulasi ini, dari windows 95 sampai dengan windows vista, gunakanlah pilihan ini hanya apabila program yang teman teman gunakan sudah tidak di kembangkan lagi, karena akan jauh lebih baik apabila bisa mendapatkan program yang dirancang secara khusus untuk Win7.

Menjalankan Aplikasi Lama

Teman teman mungkinn masih memiliki program penting yang dibuat untuk windows versi sebelumnya dan ternyata, program ini tidak bisa dijalankan dengan baik pada windows7. apakan teman-teman harus mengganti win 7 dengan hanya karena masalah ini ?

sebelum teman-teman melanjutkan langkah selanjutnya cobalah jalankan program tersebut dengan memamfaatkan fasilitas dari win 7. klik kanan pada file atau program yang hendak teman jalankan dan pilih menu properties , klik tabulasi compatibility.

teman - teman bisa meminta agar win7 ' menipu' program yang hendak di jalankan tersebut sehinggga tamapak seaka-akan sedang berada di lingkungan yang paling tua.

Teman-teman juga bisa memilih berbagai sistem simulasi ini, dari windows 95 sampai dengan windows vista, gunakanlah pilihan ini hanya apabila program yang teman teman gunakan sudah tidak di kembangkan lagi, karena akan jauh lebih baik apabila bisa mendapatkan program yang dirancang secara khusus untuk Win7.

Membuat Screen Matrix

Untuk membuat tampilan seperti yang pernah teman lihat di film matrix, itu cukup mudah dan menyenangkan, baik saya akan menerangkan kepada teman-teman cara pembuatannya :

1. Klik Start > All Programe > Accessories > Notepad
2. Ketikkan Halaman pada notepad tersebut seperti di bawah ini :

@echo off
color 02
Echo %random% ( 28 X )
goto a

3. kemudian buka File > Save As ( dalam format .bat)
4. untuk kolom Dibawahnya isikan dengan All file
5. klik Ok
6. Kemudian buka file yang kita simpan tadi dan tampilkan pada dekstop

7. Kemudian running

Selamat mencoba !!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Increase Site Traffic With Social Networking

Do you remember when “friend” was a noun? Today, it’s a verb – an action in which otherwise sane individuals reach out and “friend” a thumbnail portrait that shows up on their computer screen.

If all this seems a little confusing – or if you think meeting the boys down at the bar sounds like a much better way to engage with “friends” – well, you’re not alone. But like it or not, social networking is here to stay. And that’s good news for website owners, because – when managed correctly – social networking technology can give your site traffic a significant boost.

Getting All Your Ducks in a Row

If you’re the publisher of a website, social networking makes it easy to grow your business, and to grab an ever-larger chunk of the online market. That’s because this technology allows you to “hire” – without pay – an endless number of virtual marketing agents who do your PR work for you.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you run a travel agency, and you’re hoping to corner the market on the “Spring Break” college market. With a minimum investment, you could create a presentation extolling the attractions of Florida (the ratio of bikini vs. nature shots is up to you). Finish up with your website address, and the announcement a drawing for free airline tickets, available only to people who click over to your site and register. You can even “sweeten” the deal – for you, that is – by making registration for the drawing contingent on sending this same video to three friends.

Getting Them Where They Live

Another way you can “work” social networking to increase site traffic is to join pre-existing online groups. For example, if you’re site deals with financial investments, you can join the conversation in a number of business forums, listen carefully to the needs expressed there, and post truly helpful information (signing each post with a link to your website and an explanatory tagline, of course). By establishing your professional bona fides, and making personal connections, you can build up your distribution list for promotions, and expect some forum members to stop by your site without even being asked.

Conduit – Building Your Own Dynamic Community

With Conduit, you can offer a free downloadable toolbar full of attractive features including newsfeeds, weather alerts, radio, video and games. But along with the fun comes social networking function – because Conduit makes it easy for toolbar subscribers to share individual toolbar features, each one of which serves as a one-click portal to your site. Knowing that these features are guaranteed free of spyware and malware, your subscribers will be eager to share the fun – and this turns their friends into your potential customers, for free.

You know your customers. By designing a toolbar that “speaks” directly to their needs – for entertainment, information or utility – you’ll create a dynamic bridge to other people just like them, and drive more traffic to your site.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

About Us

Capricorn Safety

Jl. Kedung Tarukan 5 / 27 
Surabaya 60132 - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
E-Mail & Address :
Phone : +6231-5994434

Alat Pelindung Diri ( PPE )

PPE Equipments ( APD / Alat Pelindung Diri )

Alat Pelindung Diri ( APD ) adalah kelengkapan yang wajib digunakan saat bekerja sesuai bahaya dan resiko kerja untuk menjaga keselamat pekerja itu sendiri dan orang di sekelilingnya, kewajiban itu telah disepakati oleh pemerintah Melalui departement Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, adapun bentuk dari alat tersebut adalah :

  1. Safety Helmet Berfungsi sebagai pelindung kepala dari benda yang bisa mengenai kepala secara langsung.
  2. Sabuk Keselamatan ( Safety Belt ) berfungsi sebagai alat pengaman ketika menggunakan alat tranportasi atau peralatan yang serupa ( Mobil, Pesawat, Alat Berat & Lain-Lain ).
  3. Sepatu Karet ( Sepatu Boot ) berfungsi sebagai alat pengaman saat bekerja di tempat yang becek atau berlumpur, kebanyakan di lapisi dengan metal untuk melindungi kaki dari benda tajam atau berat, benda panas, cairan kimia, dsb.
  4. Sepatu Pelindung ( Safety Shoes ) seperti sepatu biasa, tapi dari bahan kulit yang di lapisi metal dengan sol dari karet tebal dan kuat. berfungsi untuk mencegah kecelakaan fatal yang menimpa kaki karena tertimpa benda tajam atau berat, benda panas , cairan kimia, dsb

Monday, December 6, 2010

Increase Site Traffic With Web Better Content

Ever telephone an office, and find yourself lost in an endless loop of voice mail? Have you ever hung up, wondering why someone would make it so hard to reach a real live human being, and to get the information you need? That’s the kind of frustration experienced by visitors who visit a badly designed website.

So if you want your site to be popular – and who doesn’t? – you need to take a long, hard look at how you present your content. Correctly following a few principles of “content design” can mean the difference between a site that is visited only once and forgotten, and a site visitors come back to again and again, and refer to their friends.

Content Basics

Writing for the web isn’t like writing a book report. Rather than creating a single document that describes your business, you need to think “modular.” Break up your story into individual pages, each one devoted to a specific topic. Choose unique keywords for each page so you’ll have a greater chance of showing up in the search engines.
When creating links to your website pages, use the shortest possible phrasing. A single word – like “About” – is preferable to “Click Here to Meet Your New Best Friends in the Food Service Industry.”
Keep your text short and easy to scan with the help of bold headings and bullet lists. Prioritize your content so that your most important marketing message is visible without scrolling down or clicking through to another page.
Before you write, do thorough market research. Make sure you have a profile of your “ideal” site visitor, and understand his or her needs. Then, use headlines, testimonials and graphic elements to let them know – instantly – that they’ve come to the right place.


Like a voice mail nightmare, too many clicks on a website is a no-no. Your visitors want to-the-point information that they can access quickly, with a minimum chance of getting sidetracked or lost. Limit choices, and make sure it’s always clear how to get back to the home page. On particularly content-rich sites, a site map can help visitors see how you’ve organized your information.
If you provide links to other sites, make sure they open in a separate window – otherwise, you may be ushering your hard-earned visitors away from your site, for good!

Conduit Toolbars – Content Made Accessible

Conduit community toolbars display your site’s most important marketing content to your target audience, whenever they’re online. Offered as a free download, the toolbar sits in the browser window, displaying dynamic alerts about the goings-on at your site, encouraging click-throughs. Just like a well-designed home page, this leads to greater awareness of your site and its offerings, easier navigation, a higher level of satisfaction, and increased traffic.

Conduit toolbar subscribers are drawn in by the fun that can be engineered into the platform – including newsfeeds and media stations, gadgets and games. Once downloaded, however, the toolbar serves as an advance sales agent, reminding subscribers about your unique focus and selling points. The toolbar serves as a one-click portal to your site, resulting in more site visits. And that’s content engineering at its best.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Get Targeted Traffic To Your Blog Or Website

There are scores of articles and guides on the internet which talk about the various ways of driving targeted traffic to a blog or website; hence the reader might find that some of the content in this guide on how to increase website traffic is redundant but it should be useful nevertheless. Without it a website can never make money; a website without traffic is like a theme park without any visitors. Once you have done all the hard work of creating the content for the website, creating sales & landing pages, one time offer pages and other necessary stuff, you will have to focus on getting people to know about your site and getting them to visit it. One of the problems that newcomers in the internet marketing field run in to is that they create a couple of websites, do a bit of promotion, place AdSense in the pages, links to Amazon products or affiliate links to ClickBank info products and then start lamenting in internet marketing  forums that they are not making any money; just like a real world shop in a busy marketplace, unless people start entering the shop (site), there would be no sale or money made. In this guide, we shall not only see the popular ways to increase the number of visitors but also how not to do it and getting kicked out of publisher networks or affiliate programs.

Search Engines; Organic traffic from search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo are the number one source of traffic on the internet. To get visitors from search engines, you should have more content (with more quality) than your competitor websites and should be optimized for search engines properly. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the term used to describe the process of modifying your website and also doing off-page optimization in order to get high rankings for keywords related to your niche in the SERPs (search engine result pages). On-page optimization will include stuff like using the correct Title tags for the WebPages, using descriptive Meta description tags and writing content without any fluff, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. The site structure should also be optimized keeping the reader in mind; links to other related pages should be easily navigable, the pages should load fast and with no popup’s or pop-under scripts. Keyword stuffing should also be avoided. Pages with duplicate content should be no-indexed or hidden from search engines using robots.txt. Outgoing links should have the rel=nofollow attribute. Use a monitoring and analysis system like Google Analytics to find the stastistics of referrals from search engines. You might also want to add the site to Google Webmaster and Bing Webmaster tools; these will give valuable diagnostic information on problems faced by the website when being crawled (such as 404 errors).

PPC Campaigns; PPC campaigns are the quickest but also the costliest way to get people to visit your blog. If you are promoting a product that can immediately result in a sale, you can use PPC programs. Say for example you have a site that sells toys for babies; you can have your website shown alongside search engine results whenever someone searches for toys or toys for babies; because of the commercial intent, the visitor clicking on the AD can end up buying something from your site. However PPC should be used wisely, otherwise you can end up losing a lot of money, more than what you invested.

Forums; Most forums allow their members to have links to their blogs or websites in their signature. To get started, find the most popular forums and discussion boards in the niche your website is in and join them. Some of the forums might require you to post a certain number of posts or replies before you can have a link in your signature. Actively answer the questions of other members, help them with their problems related to the niche and get involved in discussions in the board. This way you not only get valuable backlink juice to your website but also get visitors who click on links in your signature. It also creates a sense of trust and gives an authority stature to your site.

Banner Ads; Banner advertisements are the old school method but they are still very effective. Identify popular websites and blogs related to your niche (can even be your competitor websites) that are ranked high in search engines and see if they have a page for advertisers. If not, you might want to use the contact us form to send a message enquiring about advertising rates. Banner Ads are usually charged on a monthly basis. Some sites also offer text link ads in their blogroll, as a way of advertisement (though many people misuse it for SEO purposes).

Paid Blog Posts and Reviews; Identify popular bloggers in your niche and get them to review your website or product. Please keep in mind that some countries require bloggers to disclose that they have been paid to promote. The brand value & influence of the blogger and his or her website can help get a lot of visitors to your website. For example, TechCrunch is an influential tech blog and many startup websites try to get reviewed by them so that they can get a lot of eyeballs.
Guest Blog Posts; This involves yourself writing content for other popular blogs; in turn for providing content, the other blog owner or company allows you to place a few contextual links in the article. If the blog is influential enough and your site also has good content, you can expect repeat visitors.

RSS Feeds; RSS feeds are kind of underutilized when it comes to getting traffic; there are still many people who use feed readers to get the latest information. If you are using WordPress for your website, there are many widgets and also in-built functionality for RSS or Atom feeds.

Podcasts; There are many fans of podcasts on the internet; it is similar to RSS feeds but instead of the pages of your website appearing in the feed, it will have audio content and other media (either you or someone else talking and giving valuable information related to your niche). You might be wondering how this will help getting visitors; a good & well made podcast can successfully convince people to visit the website or buy a product from the page.

Comments Section; don’t forget to have a comment section in your site. Comments help building a community around the content and getting repeat visitors. For example, if someone replies to a comment made by another user, an email is sent to the original commenter and he or she will be tempted to visit again to see what the reply is. Though the comment system in blogging engines like WordPress are spammed a lot, you can still use other systems like the Facebook comment box or Disqus comments.

Facebook; Facebook is fast becoming one of the most popular referral systems thanks to the ripple effect caused by sharing and Likes. Place the Facebook Like button in your webpage and if a visitor likes it, his or her friends will see the shared items and will in turn visit your page themselves and “like it” further. The mammoth user base of FB can result in a flood of visits to your site because of the social ripple effect.
Google+; this is similar to Facebook; having a lot of people in your circles can help get a lot of people to visit your site whenever you write about it. Having the Google+ button in your site also helps in SEO.

Twitter; Twitter is another good way to promote your site. Try to get as much as legitimate followers and engage in a good conversation. Once in a while tweet along with a link to your new blog post of webpage URL; depending on your follower loyalty, it might be retweeted a lot of times and can result in good traffic. Another good method is to have a celeb tweet about it; this helps because celebs have a lot of fan followers.

Pinterest; Pinterest is the latest sensation in the social sharing space on the internet; it is very popular among ladies especially. It is similar to social bookmarking but instead of submitting a single link (like in Digg or Reddit) you have to submit multiple links and they get arranged like posters pinned to a board; the interface is quite easy to use. Similar to Likes and Tweets, there are Pins and Repins in Pinterest.

YouTube; Create useful videos on topics related to your website niche and post them in YouTube. You can have your website address as the first line in the description of the video. This can help get a lot of visitors to your site if the video becomes popular or goes viral. Alternatively, you might also want to get more and more subscribers to your YouTube channel so that people look out for new stuff and can become repeat visitors.

Social Media Promotion; Promote your site by submitting to bookmarking websites, social sharing sites like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon,, LinkedIn etc. A bookmark hitting the FrontPage of Digg or Reddit can instantly flood your site with lots of traffic.

Article Marketing; Though submitting articles to sites like eZineArticles, Hubpages, Squidoo etc. is almost dead after the Panda effect, they can still bring valuable traffic if promoted properly. Most article directories allow you to have a resource box at the end of the article which will point you to your blog.

Give free info-products; You might want to give free info products (eBooks) to others in other related forums and websites; in the info-product (usually a PDF file), have both contextual links as well as header and foot links to your website. If the information provided is good enough, it can become a valuable source of traffic.

Promote using opt-in lists; you can send links in emails of people who have opted in to the list; the list need not be your own. Many internet marketers use joint ventures to cross promote their websites and as a part of this, they allow other people to use their email list, for a fee. However you must also have an opt-in form or a newsletter option in your site because it helps in letting your readers know and to come back and take a look when you post something important.

Question and Answer websites; Get involved in answering questions related to your niche in Q and A websites like Yahoo Answers and Quora. Run Contests; if you are starting a new site or introducing a new product in the website, you might want to run contests to get people to participate in the contest and in that process come and take a look at the site. If the site content is also good, people will get hooked to it and will come back.
Offline Promotion; Do it the old-school way; promote by giving free Tee-Shirts with your URL printed on it, handout flyers, banners and radio or TV for high profile websites. You might also want to have any celebrity talk about it. Include the site address in your business card and the yellow pages. Try to get your site reviewed in related magazines in your niche. Nowadays some people in even offer to have the site address written on their forehead or other visible parts of the body as an advertisement!

Google Places; if your site corresponds to a local shop or business make sure that you get it listed in Google places; this can get a lot of laser targeted visitors when people search for local information.

Other forms of ADs; other ways to get visitors is to advertise in Games like mobile phone games, in-game ads, ads in software etc.

Provide discount coupons; if you are in to selling something, you might want to distribute discount coupons. People like to get a discount though most of them know that the seller still profits after the discount or in reality might have hiked up the sales price before giving the discount. You can also tie-up with offline businesses to offer their coupons online. This will be mutually beneficial; the business owner gets new customers and in turn offers to show your website AD in his or her shop.

Polls; conduct polls on hot topics of discussion. Have a comment box below the poll. This helps start a discussion around that topics and many people come back to argue or defend their point of view. Press Releases; Press releases are news items that are released to news website around the world. They contain links back to your site in the text and can get a lot of traffic if top news websites decide to publish it. You might want to use a site like to do this for you; they can distribute the press release to a large network of publishers. Viral Promotion Techniques; Nowadays there are many social media marketing companies who can create viral videos or articles around your product or website and get people to visit it. It takes a lot of effort and knowledge to do it yourself though.

Add a forum; if your site already has tons of visitors, you might want to add a forum so that a discussion community is formed. A forum apart from getting content all generated by members also is a place where members like to revisit. A forum is the ultimate traffic source because even if your site falls down in search engine rankings, loyal forum members will keep coming back and they keep adding new content.

How not to promote; don’t buy paid or expired domain traffic. Most of these are usually a scam; though the person selling it might tell you that he or she can send you thousands of visitors for a ridiculously cheap amount, in reality they might be using  automated bots (software programs) that try to mimic a real user, hiding behind proxies. Or they could be using sneaky popunders or popups that appear on malware filled low quality webpages that are created for nothing else than tricking the user. This can even get you banned from AD programs and affliate programs. Also avoid sneaky redirects from other websites or expired domains. Another thing to avoid when doing SEO especially is to buy from people offering Facebook Fans, Likes or followers in Twitter for sale.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Memilih Amal Perbuatan

" Luruskanlah dan mendekatlah, beramallah dan memilihlah. dan ketahuilah bahsebaik-baik amal perbuatanmu adalah shalat dan tidaklah menjaga wudhu melainkan seorang mukmin"

Hadits ini diiwatkan oleh imam Ahmad (5/282), dia mengatakan : " telah bercerita kepadaku Ibnu Tsauban dan berkata : telah bercerita kepadaku Hisan Bin Uthiyyah, bahwa sesungguhnya Abu Kabsyah as-Saluli telah bercerita kepadanya kalo dia mendengar Tsauban berkata : Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw."

Demikian pula As-darimi  (91/168) juga telah meriwayatkan hadits in, ( Juz I, hal 168), Kemudian Ibnu Hibban (164), dan Ath Thabrani dalam Al--Bukhari, kecuali Ibnu Tsauban yang nama aslinya adalah abbdurrahman bin Tsabit. Ia masih di pertentangkan disini. Sedangkan yang menjadi ketetapan adalah bahwa ia hasanul-hadits (orang yang bagus haditsnya), manakala tidak menyalahi yang lain.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Indonesia hosting UNESCO meeting on cultural heritage

Indonesiais hosting the 6th session of the UNESCO Committee for the Safeguarding ofIntangible Cultural Heritage at Nusa Dua, Bali, on Nov 22-29.

Indonesia has been elected by acclamation as chief of the committee and host ofthe meeting by 24 would-be host countries at the committee`s fifth session inNairobi, Kenya, in November 2010, the deputy for cultural affairs to theeducation and culture minister, Wiendu Nuryanti, said in a press conferencehere on Tuesday.

"Indonesia sees intangible cultural heritage as a strategic issue andIndonesia itself has a wide range of cultural heritage," she said.

The session will bring together more than 500 delegates from 137 parties to the2003 UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage,leading international non-governmental organizations, and experts in culture.

Indonesia has been the 83rd party to the convention since January 15, 2008.Since then, it has been actively participating in the safeguarding ofintangible cultural heritage.

Indonesia was appointed a member of the 24-nation inter-government committeefor a four-year term at the general assembly of parties to the convention inParis in July last year.

The convention is aimed at protecting intangible cultural heritage, such astradition, language, arts show, custom, knowledge and traditional handicraft.

Mengecek Informasi Bios

Pada kasus kasus tertentu kadang anda memerlukan informasi mengenai bios yang di pakai pada komputer, sedangkan jika di lihat dari fisik pada bios yang bersangkutan tersebut tidak terdapat informasi apapun. hal tersebut di karenakan informasi yang tersedia pada bios tersebut telah hilang karena bios tersebut telah usang.dengan sediki trik, anda dapat secara mudah mengetahui informasi dari bios yang bersangkutan. jika anda menggunakan windows, anda dapat menggunakan cara ini: 

1. Pada start Menu Windows, Klik Run > kemudian tuliskan regedit

2. Selanjutnya Klik Ok, selanjutnya akan mucul seperti gambar beikut

pada tampilan tersebut, anda dapat melihat tampilan value, diantaranya :

  • Systembiosdate , informasi tentang tanggal system BIOS tersebut dibuat
  • SystemBiosVersion, informasi tentang versi bios yang bersangkutan
  • VideoBiosDate, informasi tentang tanggal bios dibuat
  • videso bios version, informasi tentang versi dari Video Bios.
sebaiknya value yang terdapat pada key ini jangan diubah karena dapat menyebabkan error pada sistem operasi windows anda.

Blogger States Google Headline Animator